Uni (unus one)
Universe (all existing things; the whole creation; all mankind).
University (educational institution instructing or examining students in many branches of advanced learning, and conferring degrees; members of this collectively).
Do you feel deeply connected to animals and you want to work with them but you haven’t figured out how?
Are you an animal caregiver that has amazing intuition and you wanted to feel more confident about what you experience?
Are you working for someone as an animal caregiver and you know you have so much more to offer?
Are you a professional that is looking to work with animals?
Are you an artist or already in the intuitive/healing profession and you want to branch out to working with animals?
Let me help you design your own unique opportunity to work intuitively/professionally with animals.
Communication with all Life University Certification Program (CWALUCP) is the brainchild I’ve had as an Animal Communication teacher for over 10 years. And now I can really help you with a comprehensive program.
The program is designed specifically for you – you will learn and experience Animal Communication on a profound and professional level and will have lots of experience to draw upon. You will be exposed to numerous healing/body/energetic modalities and required to learn and certify in two other areas that you are drawn to.
This can become part of your immediate income as well as building a database and testimonials. You will continue on your chosen Spiritual or Nature Enlightenment. You will be required to use techniques to clear your own “stuff” that blocks your ability to use your intuition, be of service, or to be completely open with no agenda.
The best part is that it will all be integrated with who you already are and the natural talents you have. This will enable us to create a long term business plan as well as a marketing trajectory specific to your goals.
Perhaps you will become an excellent animal communicator with a well rounded intuitive/professional/other modalities background with plenty of resources to call upon for your client(s). Or perhaps in this process you will find one of the resources within this program to be your life calling. You will always have this specific training to fall back on. Your personal journey will be important to fall back on also – and we all have one or you wouldn’t be reading this right now.
I will require an intake form that informs me as to what you have previously for several reasons. You may already have a vast knowledge, certification and professional experience in the intuitive field and/or an extensive animal background. If so, this program is going to be tailored to help you expand your background/gifts and identify the other qualifications/develop any other potential skills this work requires.
As a side note, the required electives in this course are not included in the price. However, some of these courses and certifications could result in immediate income in the animal profession as well as a building of your animal clientele AND an opportunity to practice/experience/share this work. That is an immediate building block of this work. Every Animal Communicator worth their salt has put their time into service long before charging. This is one way to supplement it and create an amazing business. And as I mentioned before, you may find your life calling in one of these other modalities and the Animal Communication enhances it and puts your work in that field over the edge.
One other side note about the Electives required…….many of you haven’t gone to medical school. For me that PhD program felt like medical school. Thankfully when I went to that program – I already had an amazing understanding of anatomy and physiology from not just an energetic standpoint but because many of the other courses demanded I learn it. (Of course my childhood 4-H and Pony Club always helps with horse ligaments, etc.) For the average person, this alone can be daunting. The Electives are an amazing opportunity to learn a ton. If you’re like me – you’ll create that non-loan able resource library. (I’ve lost too many books on a loan – I have shelves in my office that I covet).
What is required from you for me to facilitate this for you?
1. An open heart, compassion for animals and people (some of you may need to work on the people part);
2. Allowing me to help you design your program based on strengths and challenges;
3. Committing to several Electives and Necessities – which include but are not limited to: body work, energy work and your own clearing work;
4. Mentoring – one on one.
5. Commitment to at least 7 workshops – 4 are animal communication where you will build such trust and respect for yourself and your fellow students (as they will help you) – this is the safest place you will ever be with this work and you will take that out into the world. The other three are:
a. Animal Alchemy – scalar wave, alchemy, intro to body work and much much more. (Open to the public.)
b. Dying, death and lost animals – this will be the biggest challenge – many exercises to hone images that will help clients trust you in any stage of death, dying and lost animals. (For people not interested in the University – requirement at least 2 major courses with an approved animal communicator (teacher).
c. Spit and Polish – this will be intuition, as well as marketing, business planning, MSI’s (multiple sources of income – as you are working for yourself in this field), speaking, and much, much more. This will be very individual one on one work as well as group work - so I can put my final blessing on your work. (University students only.)
6. Series of phone calls – this is a requirement – even if you know more than the practitioner that I am interviewing. This is not only exposure to modalities you may be interested in using in your practice – or sourcing out – it is also your opportunity to be a leader in this program. Being a leader in this program is going to be huge not only for this work to flourish but for your own development in this realm. The biggest thing I’ve learned is that the more I align with other people and their practices, ideas, etc. the more the world has to benefit – the old adage = wherever two or more are gathered. Each month there will be 1-3 calls that will be enlightening. If you can get people on those calls that are struggling with the very topic – you will gain their trust – this is first step in building a loyal following.
7. These classes are downloadable if you miss the actual call.
8. Keeping a Journal of your experiences whether program related or process related. I still have the very first little book of the first animals I communicated with. This is not only something you will refer back to for information on a modality but also to build your confidence with regard to writing down specific connections with animals in the program. Also, this is building your experience and testimonial base.
9. Finding “your voice” in explaining, educating or enlightening people to this work and helping you bring to light what you have to offer others.
Electives and Necessities
There are several reasons for the electives:
A. Broadening your education;
B. Creating something certified that you can begin to use immediately;
1. You can start to earn money;
2. You can develop your testimonial base;
3. You can use your Animal Communication skills on neutral animals;
4. You are building a database of clients while in a program;
5. Ultimately this increases your value in terms of service when you combine packages of things you offer. (Whether you offer the extra service or offer the name of someone else, you have much more authority as the trusted expert – very key to this business whether you are talking to a client or another animal practitioner.)
C. Expanding your resource list;
D. Creating more peers that you can enlist support and possibly refer to.
E. Truly deeply understanding that wherever two or more are gathered is what helps our animals friends in need – some of these other practitioners that you will hear on calls or meet in these other classes may just be that extra breath into the miracle for the animal in need.
Necessities to me means something that is essential. The dictionary would say: something that is essential especially a basic requirement – food, shelter, and the other necessities. I will talk first about the other necessities and then I will address food and water. There are several Necessities in this program:
A. Some sort of developing or enhanced Spiritual or Natural basis – whether you believe in God, the Universe, the Holy Spirit, Christ Consciousness, Jesus, The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels, the Fairies, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Universal love, Spirit Guides, The Co-Creative White Brotherhood, Dead Relatives giving you messages, a deep and fulfilling relationship with nature and the universe - this is all energy to utilize and journal about.
1. If you have a deep Spiritual faith – then you know where your help comes from – we can open and deepen;
2. If you don’t have a source – the exposure to all sorts of things will help you find your path.
B. Journaling. I would love to say this is on the honor system – though some things will be required to submit – as in your understanding of a particular modality and its usage and how you could help a client. Also there are some things in the end you will be required to submit in terms of case studies. It would be wise to journal activity on the path so you are ready to submit case studies and it doesn’t feel like a big ‘test’. Because it’s not. This is your resource later on to help someone understand your ability, knowledge and experience.
C. Creating or developing a physical and mental program that attunes you – very wide open. Most people know I’m an advocate of aerobic activity and mental quietness, but this combination may not suit your nervous system – so we will develop this. While it promotes your own mental and physical health (always good when working with others in the world of intuition) you have an incredible understanding of what is “yours” and what is “theirs” if this is a daily practice. This should also be in the journal.
D. On the earthly dimension necessities are some very practical nutritional, grounding and behavioral modalities or practices, you will be required to learn. Part of the intake form will help me to understand what species you are most comfortable with and what disciplines you understand within each species-specific realm. I will also have an understanding of your behavior and nutrition background and can guide your specific program.
The main reasons for the Necessity part of the program is that as an Animal Communicator, people are looking to you for help. Now some people may google you and take your advice like they took a friend’s advice – which could mean nothing. They can afford to or humor themselves with outside confirmation or what they would consider misinformation because they are on their path and we can’t judge.
However, in most cases, they are looking for that voice of reason (even if it comes from intuition) and that means, you could truly and deeply help not just the animal but help the owner and animal to an amazing deep level.
You are an Authority and they look up to you. In your journey through this program in the next year and 2 months, you will be an anchor in the storm – even if at the time your own life is in chaos. You will have all of these pillars holding you up – your experience, your faith, your life before this, your knowledge physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and your amazing intuition and compassion for another.
This is what people want. This is what they will call you for no matter how big or small their problem seems to be compared to yours at the time. You have to be prepared to offer them a path.
Don’t forget on your path – while in service, we get our own challenges……thus the Necessities.
Electives (an optional course that a student may select from among many alternatives). You will be required to take one in body work and one in energy work – the following will help you pick. The phone calls (requirement) will also help you pick and you may have already completed studies in some of these areas. Some options for body work would include:
1. TTouch
2. Where Have All the Horseman Gone – with Regan Golob – you will learn:
• Bio Energy Analysis• Applied Kinesiology• Nutritional and Lameness Reflex Points• Meridian Massage• Certification in Equine Accupressure• Nutritional Evaluation and Balancing
3. Massage therapy – equine, canine, feline. Many of these programs require that you are either a vet tech or human massage therapist – I know some programs that don’t require this.
4. Healing Touch
5. Acupressure
6. Bowen Therapy
7. Myofascial Release
8. Cranial/Sacral (Upledger Institute requires that you learn on humans first, though there are some independent teachers for animals.)
Energy Work Electives:
1. Aromatherapy
2. Reiki
3. Spirit Clearing
4. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
5. Feng Shui
6. Flower Essences
7. Angel Therapy
8. Crystal Therapy
9. NLP/Hypnotism
10. Homeopathy
As I mentioned before, the phone calls will help you to pick what you’re passionate about and they will also be instructional if you don’t know much about behavior, breeds, nutrition, etc. I will have special guests on these calls.
Examples of what the calls will be like:
· Being in Alignment
· Intuition
· Credibility/verifying/proving
· Dynamics of a multispecies home
· Business Tips for Animal Practitioners
· Angels
· Nutrition for Dogs and Cats
· Where do they go when they die?
· Allergies
· Dog Behavior
· Crystals
· Horse Behavior
· Acupressure
· Body work
· Performance Animals
· Massage
· Cat Behavior
· Feng Shui
· Astrology
· Clearing
· Breeds
· Discipline
· Overcoming Trauma
· Healing machines
· Spirit Guides
· Conscious Language
I look forward to working with you and creating the program of your dreams! Check out at what different level you would like to commit.
Please e-mail Joan for intake form and pay for your package at joanranquet@joanranquet.com. Also, please join the site http://www.communicationwithalllifeu.ning.com/ to connect with other students and Animal Communicators.
Thank you, Joan
Joan Ranquet
Animal Communicator, Author, Speaker
p.s. This is not just a program, Communication with all Life University is a certification process that will initiate and certify you to be the best and well rounded Animal Communicator, as well as give you tools for life. This is a comprehensive program for you to develop as a great human to your own animal companions and to be instrumental in the lives of other animals and humans, with knowledge, skill, experience and compassion. This is a program designed around and for YOU.